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Seit 2013: Autorin und Gründerin des Kinderwunsch-Blog-Magazins: Kinderwunsch-Tipps Paleo Mama

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darja wagner

Weiterbildung Kinderwunsch:

Fortbildung im IVF-Labor der Universitätsklinik Dexeus (Barcelona, Spain)

Regelmäßige Teilnahme an endokrinologischen und reproduktionsmedizinischen Veranstaltungen, Seminaren für  biologische Sicherheit, jahrelange Forschungsarbeit mit adulten Stammzellen.

  • 2008 – 2012 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Postdoc): Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Biochemie
  • 2001 – 2007 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Postdoc): Max-Planck Institut, München

Meine Ausbildung:


Meine Publikationsliste  – Auswahl (IF=Impact Faktor)


Supic, G.. Wagner, D., Magic, Z. (2016). Epigenetic Impact of Bioactive Dietary Compounds in Cancer Chemoprevention. 10.1007/978-3-319-21461-0_7. (From book The Role of Organosulfur Compounds Derived From Allium Vegetables in Cancer Prevention and Therapy (pp.153-181)).

Wagner D. Where did bone come from? Aspenberg P. Acta Orthop. 2011 Aug;82(4):393-8.

Obradovic-Wagner D., Sieber C., Bhushan R., Börgermann J., Graf D., Knaus P. BMPs – From Bone to Body Morphogenetic Proteins. (2010) Science Signaling. (IF:30,1)

Obradovic D., Zanci C., Vogl A. Trümbach D., Deussing J., Condorelli G., Rein T. Vitamin D(3) signalling in the brain enhances the function of Phosphoprotein Enriched in Astrocytes PEA-15. (2009) Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. (IF:5,1)

McGrath J., Scragg R., Chant D., Eyles D., Burne T., Obradovic D.: No association between serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D3 level and performance on psychometric tests in NHANES III. (2007) Neuroepidemiology. (IF:2,2)

Obradovic D.,Gronemeyer H., Lutz B., Rein T. Cross-talk of vitamin D3 and glucocorticoids in hippocampal cells. (2006) J Neurochem. (IF:4,5)

Obradovic D., Tirard M., Hirsch O., Gronemeyer H., Almeida O.F.X.: DAXX, FLASH and FAF-1 modulate mineralocortocoid and glucocorticoid receptor-mediated transcription in hippocampal cells – towards a basis for the opposite actions elicited by two nuclear receptors? (2004) Molecular Pharmacology. (IF:4,7)

Obradovic D., Beissert T., Bianchini A., Washburn B., Chiaradonna F., Boehrer S., Hoelzer D., Ottmann OG, Pelicci PG, Nervi C., Ruthardt M.: AML-associated translocation products block vit.D3-induced differentiation by sequestering the vitamin D3 receptor. Cancer Research (2002) Dec 1;62(23):7050-8. (IF:7,5)

Buzadzic B., Korac B., Lazic T. and Obradovic D.: Effect of supplementation with Cu and Zn on antioxidant enzyme activity in the rat tissues. (2002) Food Research Intl. (IF:2,5)